Building a career in a new field can be exciting but not always rewarding...Step in the Diploma Course on Biomedical Equipment Engineering (DBEE) and you will find both.
DBEE is a special course which produces specialized technical graduates who takes care of biomedical equipment. This specialized technical graduates in globally known as Biomedical Equipment Technician (BMET). BMET ia s specialized technical who ensures that medical equipment is well-maintained, properly configured, and safely functional. BMET is a key person of Biomedical Department in hospitals.
- Affiliated by Council for Technical education and vocational training (CTEVT).
- Run by the National Health Training Center (NHTC), Teku. 18-month course with an internship.
- Vacancies in the Government already announced.
- Job opportunities at private hospitals, Nursing homes and Medical Equipment Suppliers.
Who can Apply?
1O+2 science graduates
How to apply?
- A complete application form
- Academic certificates of SLC & +2
- A copy of Citizenship
- 3 PP size photographs
Application Forms available at
- National Health Training Centre (NHTC), BMET Unit, Teku
Forms must be submitted at
- National Health Training Centre(NHTC), BMET Unit, Teku
For further details please contact:
Nick Simons institute Sanepa, Laiitpur
Phone: 555 1978 I 5520322
e-mail:[email protected] www.nsi.edu.np